"There are two great moments in a persons life: the moment you were born and the moment you realize why you were born."

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Hello again,

I'm trying to make it a habit of posting every one to two weeks. This past week has been filled with amazing encouragment that I am so blessed and thankful for. I just recently found out that my support was due August 1st and was freaking out about it, but through my devotionals and friends and family members God has totally put those worries aside. It's amazing!! Talking with a wonderful friend, Heather Kogler, she even said as the week has been progressing she could see the worry and nerves slowly disappear. God is sooo good!

For this next week I'll be up at high school camp with my beautiful freshmen ladies. Please be praying for them and the rest of the Rock students going up. That their hearts may be truly touched and their lives changed. Also for the leaders going up, that we may be filled with the Lord's energy and God would give us the right words to say and the right moments and that we would be open to hear God's call on our lives. Camp isn't just for students lives to be changed, but also for leaders lives to be stretched and grown also. BUT most important, we leaders need patience : ) haha so please pray for that and that we don't suddenly lose it and want to break one of our students.

I'll also be giving a presentation tomorrow morning for two great Sunday school classes at Beachpoint called Sojourners and Truth Seekers. I am definitely not gifted with words and eliquent speech..so it'll be interesting to see how that goes : )

Prayer Request:
~Continued encouragment
~Rock Students at camp
~Leaders at camp
~My presentation tomorrow for the Sojourners and Truth Seekers
~Financial support for Journey Corps
~The Journey Corps team as a whole

My encouragment:

"Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you." -Psalm 25:4&5
"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." -Matthew 6:34
"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!" -George H. Grabarkewitz (my dad..yes yes I do listen. Although it is so annoying when he says it, it totally applies haha so thanks dad)

I hope these words of truth will be encouraging to you whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or troubled.

Thanks so much for the encouraging words this week and for taking time out to read my blog. Love you tons and until next time have a wonderful week or so.

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