"There are two great moments in a persons life: the moment you were born and the moment you realize why you were born."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Provisions in Benin

Greetings everyone! I hope your day goes awesomely well and something fun and unexpected happens. Wow! I can hardly believe that it is already October! This time last year I was freaking out, trying to get ready to go to Africa and now I am freaking out, trying to get ready to go back to the United States. It is truly such a surreal idea that I’ll be returning so soon!

A very unique and cool part of Journey Corps is that we have the opportunity to go on a “West Africa Adventure” if we so chose to. Well my friend Naomi and I decided to do just that and left on a bus for Benin. There, we joined a YWAM team on their outreach. Instead of writing all about our trip I thought I could just use Naomi’s blog to inform all of you. Here is her link: http://theivoryjourney.blogspot.com/ so please check out the pictures and read about our craziness of Benin and Burkina Faso. Just to add…we just calculated the time in the bus…66 hours!!! I won’t lie…if I never get on a bus again, it’ll be TOO soon.

Scripture of the Week:
“So don’t worry about these things…these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need.” ~ Matthew 6:31-33

The whole trip to Benin and back was an awesome testimony of how much the Lord provides for us. Naomi shared a few examples of how He provided us with bus tickets when the bus was sold out, how our contacts found us randomly in an alley at 1:30am and even how I got to climb my waterfall. But it was so much more than that. God provided us with His peace and serenity in this crazy adventure. We were blessed to learn new things and in new ways about the God we serve and to depend on Him to show up. Like Francis Chan says in ‘Forgotten God,’ “we should be living a life where we are SCREWED if the Holy Spirit doesn’t show up.” Well Nao and I learned just that.
Prayer Requests:
*Pray for my Uncle John. He is sick in the hospital, pray that the Lord would reveal Himself to him and also for healing
*The YWAM team in Benin & soon in Togo. They will continue to be warriors for the Almighty, in perfect unity in mind, heart and spirit
*Our JC team…we have 19 days left with our host families and return to the states in just 27. Please keep all of us in your prayers as we start to make the transition home.
*After being home for 2 to 3 weeks I am looking to return to the Ivory Coast. Please be praying for this transition as well. It’ll be extra hard to leave again and know that majority of my team will stay in the states.

Well as always I thank you guys for joining me on this adventure and keeping updated with what goes on here, even though I fail at keeping you updated regularly. Take care and let me know how things are going for you and how I can be praying for you. Until next time…